Save Time

Save Time Cooking by Planning Your Meals Ahead

Tidy Kitchen - Planning Ahead Image: winnond /

No matter what you do, planning ahead will save you time. This is especially true when it comes to grocery shopping and cooking for your family. Planning ahead means that you don't have to waste time trying to think of what you will cook tonight. It also avoids the annoying situation where you decide to cook something but then realise that you're missing an important ingredient and have to make a last minute dash to the grocery store. I've done that before.

4 indicators that you may be wasting your time with New Year’s Resolutions

Have you stuck with your New Year’s Resolutions? Dr. John Norcross studied 200 people who made New Year’s Resolutions and according to his research there are several indicators to the likelihood that you will achieve your goals. Use this information to achieve your resolution and ensure that you don’t waste your time with resolutions that are unlikely to work.

Managing ego-depletion to save time (self-control)

How much self-control do you have? When is your self-control strongest and when is it weakest? Having self-control is clearly a good thing, but learning to make the most of it is even better. ‘Ego-depletion’ sees self-control or willpower as a limited resource that is depleted after exertion. Understanding this concept can help you make better use of your self-control and save time. Manage Ego Depletion to Save Time

Is Perfection a waste of Time?

Dart hits the Bulls Eye
If you aim for perfection in everything you do, you will get nothing done. It's a recipe for a wasted life. If you aim for perfection in one thing you are far more likely to achieve excellence in this area. What's more, you'll do more in other areas too. Working out what is important, what really matters, is the key. This is part of a series titled "Do more than you can". Make sure that you've read the article on doing more by doing less.

Save Time keeping up with the News

Are you wasting your leisure time keeping up with the daily news? Much of the news is:
  • Irrelevant or not of interest to you.
  • Speculation or opinions rather than fact.
  • Repetitive or rehashed stories.
  • Poorly or inaccurately reported.
  • Useless gossip about celebrities.
This article looks at changing news consumption patterns and how we can save time obtaining the news. save time consuming news

Study Online to Save Time

Online courses (or e-learning) can provide great time savings if used appropriately. When used well such learning methods can enabled you to fit education into a busy week with minimal interference to family life. Study online to Save TimeHow does an on-line course work? Well, it depends on the course. Often universities provide a web portal to run their on-line courses. Typically a secure login is enabled for each student allowing access to - course material; an interactive discussion forum; a facility to upload and submit assignments; and access to the university research facilities and library. Previously I have done post-graduate study (part-time) via two methods – (i) on campus study, and (ii) on-line study. How do they compare?